Stock Photos: Spotted Towhee
All images © Noah Strycker. Back to Main Stock Page

Spotted Towhee photo
Stock Photo #201: male
Spotted Towhee nest picture
Stock Photo #832: female at nest
Spotted Towhee male
Stock Photo #124: male


Noah Strycker is a 19-year-old bird photographer and illustrator living in Corvallis, Oregon. His photos, writings, and illustrations have been published in numerous magazines, books, and government documents. This website is dedicated to showing his work.

Bird Photography: This site contains many bird photos. To find a photo of a particular species, browse the stock list of bird photographs. Each stock photo on this website is of high quality, sharp and suitable for publication, and every picture is shown at full frame (not cropped). Most are taken on slide film and are available as slides or as high-resolution scans.

Bird Art: Noah Strycker has illustrated several books and other publications with high quality pen-and-ink and watercolor illustrations of birds. To see his work, visit the artwork page of this website. He currently charges around $30 per illustration, depending on the assignment, and is always looking for new projects.


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All images on this website © Noah Strycker.