A few of Noah’s articles are displayed below. Scroll down for a complete list by date.
Bipolar Disorder
Audubon Sep 2014
Birdwatchers of a Feather
Smithsonian Journeys Sep 2015
A Birder’s Guide to the Pipeline
Living Bird Spring 2006
Artists in Antarctica
Slate Aug 2016
Jonathan Franzen Interview
Birding Feb 2015
The World’s Biggest Year
Audubon Mar 2016
A Land of Wind And Ice
National Wildlife Feb 2010
Conservation Milestones
Birder’s Guide May 2015
Raptor Routes
WildBird Jul 2012
Daryl Hannah Interview
Birding Nov 2014
Miniature Artwork
WildBird Jan 2003
On the Ice
American Birds Dec 2009
Malheur NWR
Bird Watcher’s Digest Jan 2004
A Taste For Ashes
Birdwatching Feb 2013
Birding in San Blas, Mexico
Birding Aug 2003
Full List of Publications
Backyard Guide to the Birds of North America, 2nd. ed. (with Jonathan Alderfer). National Geographic. 2019.
Birds of the Photo Ark (with Joel Sartore). National Geographic. 2018.
Birding Without Borders: An Obsession, A Quest, and the Biggest Year in the World. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. 2017.
The Thing With Feathers: The Surprising Lives of Birds and What They Reveal About Being Human. Riverhead Books. 2014.
Among Penguins: A Bird Man in Antarctica. Oregon State University Press. 2011.
Feature Articles
Strycker, N. 2021. The least-birded county in the U. S. Birding. Oct: 16-21.
Strycker, N. 2021. Flying with the albatross. Oceanographic. Jan 19.
Strycker, N. 2020. The 36 x 100 challenge. Oregon Birds. 46: 66-68.
Strycker, N. 2020. The island of lost penguins. Oceanographic. May 28.
Strycker, N. 2020. Antarctica’s most numerous penguin has suffered huge declines, expedition finds. Audubon. Feb. 10.
Strycker, N. 2019. Cat vs. bird: The battle lines. National Geographic. Oct: 17-20.
Strycker, N. 2019. Birding the very deep south. Birder’s Guide to Travel. Jan: 20-31.
Strycker, N. 2018. After the Big Year: The 2017 International Hornbill Expedition: Searching for a rare bird in remote Malaysia. Birding. Aug: 52-57.
Strycker, N. 2018. Why it matters: Birdlife. National Geographic Traveler. Aug/Sep.
Strycker, N. 2018. The world’s best destinations for bird-watching. National Geographic Travel. Mar 8.
Strycker, N. 2017. Birding the world: Everything old is new again. In L. White and J. A. Gordon (eds.), Good birders still don’t wear white. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt: Boston.
Strycker, N. 2017. Book review: One wild bird at a time: Portraits of individual lives by Bernd Heinrich. The Quarterly Review of Biology, 92(4): 487.
Strycker, N. 2017. Birding without borders: Putting another perspective on the joys of finding everyday birds. The Early Birder Blog. Nov 15.
Strycker, N. 2017. Take a look at this extremely rare white penguin. Audubon. Mar 8.
Strycker, N. 2016. House Finch or Purple Finch? Here’s how to tell them apart. Audubon. Dec 28.
Strycker, N. 2016. Summer’s not over yet, and neither is shorebird season. Audubon. Sep 2.
Strycker, N. 2016. Should Antarctica play host to artists? Slate. Aug 30.
Strycker, N. 2016. Two guys just broke the North American big year record–but how? Audubon. Jul 26.
Strycker, N. 2016. My top Big Year birds. BirdWatching. Jun: 16-21.
Strycker, N. 2016. Conservation milestones. Birder’s Guide. May: 8-12.
Strycker, N. 2016. The birds are back at Malheur National Wildlife Refuge. Audubon. Apr 14.
Strycker, N. 2016. The world big year. Birding. Apr: 34-45.
Strycker, N. 2016. Lessons learned from the world’s biggest year. Audubon. Mar/Apr: 25 and 27.
Strycker, N. 2015. Why birdwatchers flock to Ecuador. Smithsonian Journeys Quarterly. Sep 2.
Strycker, N. 2015. Conservation milestones. Birder’s Guide. May: 6-8.
Strycker, N. 2015. Birding without borders. Audubon. Jan/Feb.
Strycker, N. 2014. Bipolar disorder. Audubon. Sep/Oct: 80-86.
Strycker, N. 2014. Conservation milestones. Birder’s Guide. May: 12-20.
Strycker, N. 2013. A taste for ashes. Birdwatching. Feb: 26-27.
Strycker, N. 2012. Take this photo. WildBird. Sep/Oct: 22-23.
Strycker, N. 2012. Raptor routes. WildBird. Jul/Aug: 22-23.
Strycker, N. 2012. Hummer numbers. WildBird. May/Jun: 24-25.
Strycker, N. 2011. The 2,650-mile summer. The Register-Guard. Oct. 4: D1-D2.
Strycker, N. 2011. Internet birding: You’ve got bird mail. Birder’s World. Jan/Feb: 32-35.
Strycker, N. 2010. Lists of wonder. Popular Birding Series: Advanced Backyard Birding (Vol. 3). 88-93.
Strycker, N. 2010. Can I see some ID? Popular Birding Series: Hummingbirds (Vol. 2). 26-34.
Strycker, N. 2010. Lessons in a land of wind and ice. National Wildlife. Feb/Mar: 22-29.
Strycker, N. 2009. On the ice: The first Christmas Bird Count in Antarctica. American Birds. Dec: 30-34.
Strycker, N. 2009. Get to know your feathered friends with a backyard bird checklist. Popular Birding Series: Backyard Birding (Vol. 1).
Strycker, N. 2008. Keeping tabs. Backyard Birding, Vol. 1. 114-119.
Strycker, N. 2008. Endemics, islands, and ecotourism. Birding. Jul/Aug:42-52.
Strycker, N. 2007. Be an iBirder. In L. White (ed.), Good birders don’t wear white. Houghton-Mifflin: Boston.
Strycker, N. 2006. Holiday gatherings for the birds. Oregon Coast. Dec: 36-37.
Strycker, N. K., and W. D. Robinson. 2006. A birder’s guide to the pipeline. Living Bird. Spring: 14-21.
Strycker, N. 2006. Picture perfect. Birds and Blooms. Dec/Jan: 38-40.
Strycker, N. 2005. iLike my iPod! Birding. Nov/Dec: 666-668.
Strycker, N. 2005. Birding in burns. Bird Watcher’s Digest. Jul/Aug: 32-35.
Strycker, N. 2005. Rich in written detail: Historical field notes about southeastern Oregon bring the past to life. WildBird. Jul/Aug: 52-55.
Strycker, N. 2005. Secrets of a Big Day addict. Birder’s World. Jun: 34-39.
Strycker, N. 2004. A backyard checklist. Bird Watcher’s Digest. Jul/Aug: 98-99.
Strycker, N. 2004. Far afield: Malheur National Wildlife Refuge. Bird Watcher’s Digest. Jan/Feb: 104-113.
Strycker, N. 2004. Turkey Vulture nesting on Spencer Butte, Lane County. Oregon Birds. 30(1): 10-11.
Strycker, N. 2003. San Blas, Mexico: Big-time birding in a small tropical town. Birding. Aug: 368-374.
Strycker, N. 2003. Five best places to find birds. Oregon Coast. Jul/Aug: 64-65.
Strycker, N. 2003. Gearing up for the ABA convention: Birdfinding in Eugene, Oregon. Birding. Apr: 146-154.
Strycker, N. 2003. Brown Creepers nest in a manufactured “creeper house.” Oregon Birds. 29(1): 17.
Strycker, N. 2003. Miniature artwork. WildBird. Jan/Feb: 48-51.
Strycker, N. 2003. Backyard birder. Oregon Coast. Jan/Feb: 30-31.
Strycker, N. 2002. Issues with birds. Birder’s World. Aug: 44-45.
Strycker, N., & Lynch, H. 2022. Pygoscelis antarcticus (Green Status assessment). The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species: e.T22697761A2269776120221.
Strycker, N., Wethington, M., Borowicz, A., Forrest, S., Witharana, C., Hart, T., & Lynch, H. J. 2020. A global population assessment of the Chinstrap penguin (Pygoscelis antarctica). Scientific Reports 10: 19474. doi: 10.1038/s41598-020-76479-3
Strycker, N., Borowicz, A., Wethington, M., Forrest, S., Shah, V., Liu, Y., Singh, H., & Lynch, H. J. 2020. Fifty-year change in penguin abundance on Elephant Island, South Shetland Islands, Antarctica: Results of the 2019-20 census. Polar Biology. doi: 10.1007/s00300-020-02774-4
Borowicz, A., Forrest, S., Wethington, M., Strycker, N., & Lynch, H. J. 2020. Presence of King penguins (Aptenodytes patagonicus) on Elephant Island provides further evidence of range expansion. Polar Biology. doi: 10.1007/s00300-020-02760-w
Liu, Y., Shah, V., Borowicz, A., Wethington, M., Strycker, N., Forrest, S., Lynch, H., & Singh, H. 2020. Efficient UAV and machine learning based method in penguin colony census. IEEE/OES Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Symposium, Memorial University of Newfoundland, St. John’s, NL.
Strycker, N., et al. 2010. Use of Himalayan blackberry patches by wintering birds in western Oregon. Oregon Birds. 35: 55-60.
Strycker, N. 2009. Bird species accounts (300+) for birdfellow.com.
Strycker, N. 2009. Owl accounts for Birds of the United States and Canada. DK Publishing: New York.
Strycker, N., W.D. Robinson, and T.R. Robinson. (November 9, 2005). Comparative egg sizes of north temperate and neotropical birds. Poster presented at the 3rd annual Research Advances in Fisheries, Wildlife, and Ecology (RAFWE) Symposium, Oregon State University.
Strycker, N. 2003. Black-capped Chickadee. In D. Marshall, M. Hunter, & A. Contreras (eds.): Birds of Oregon: A general reference. Oregon State University Press, 438-440.
Strycker, N. 2003. Mountain Chickadee. In D. Marshall, M. Hunter, & A. Contreras (eds.): Birds of Oregon: A general reference. Oregon State University Press, 440-441.
Strycker, N. 2003. Green Heron. In D. Marshall, M. Hunter, & A. Contreras (eds.): Birds of Oregon: A general reference. Oregon State University Press, 68-69.
Strycker, N. 2003. Cedar Waxwing. In D. Marshall, M. Hunter, & A. Contreras (eds.): Birds of Oregon: A general reference. Oregon State University Press, 501-502.
Strycker, N. 2003. Early twentieth century ornithology in Malheur County, Oregon. Oregon Field Ornithologists Spec. Pub. No. 18.
Shelton, Albert C. 2002 (reprint; original publication date 1917). A distributional list of the land birds of west central Oregon. Strycker, N. (ed.). Oregon Field Ornithologists Spec. Pub. No. 14.
Interviews in Birding Magazine
Strycker, N. 2025. A Birding Interview with Melissa Hafting. Mar: 18-23.
Strycker, N. 2025. A Birding Interview with Scott V. Edwards. Jan: 14-17.
Strycker, N. 2024. A Birding Interview with T. Ben Feltner. Dec: 18-22.
Strycker, N. 2024. A Birding Interview with Mercedes “Meche” Alpizar. Sep: 18-22.
Strycker, N. 2024. A Birding Interview with Kimberly Kaufman. Jul: 14-19.
Strycker, N. 2024. A Birding Interview with Peter Kaestner. Jun: 22-25.
Strycker, N. 2024. A Birding Interview with Peter Harrison. Mar: 22-27.
Strycker, N. 2024. A Birding Interview with Jean Iron. Jan: 18-21.
Strycker, N. 2023. A Birding Interview with Terry Rich. Sep:16-20.
Strycker, N. 2023. A Birding Interview with Tim Appleton. Dec:18-21.
Strycker, N. 2023. A Birding Interview with R. Rosemary Grant and Peter R. Grant. Jul: 16-19.
Strycker, N. 2023. A Birding Interview with Laura Guerard. Jun: 14-17.
Strycker, N. 2023. A Birding Interview with Judith Mirembe. Mar: 14-17.
Strycker, N. 2023. A Birding Interview with Eric Forsman. Jan: 12-15.
Strycker, N. 2022. A Birding Interview with Stephanie Seymour. Dec: 18-21.
Strycker, N. 2022. A Birding Interview with Carlos Bethancourt. Aug: 18-21.
Strycker, N. 2022. A Birding Interview with Sheri L. Williamson. Jun: 18-22.
Strycker, N. 2022. A Birding Interview with Elizabeth Hargrave. Apr: 12-15.
Strycker, N. 2022. A Birding Interview with Joseph M. Wunderle, Jr. Mar: 12-16.
Strycker, N. 2022. A Birding Interview with Mel and Jeanne Goff. Jan: 14-16.
Strycker, N. 2021. A Birding Interview with H. Douglas Pratt. Nov: 6-12.
Strycker, N. 2021. A Birding Interview with Heather Lynch. Oct: 10-14.
Strycker, N. 2021. A Birding Interview with Henry T. (“Harry”) Armistead. Aug: 16-19.
Strycker, N. 2021. A Birding Interview with The Phoebes. May: 12-15.
Strycker, N. 2021. A Birding Interview with Mark Obmascik. Mar: 12-15.
Strycker, N. 2021. A Birding Interview with Jason Ward. Jan: 12-15.
Strycker, N. 2020. A Birding Interview with Mike Parr. Nov: 10-14.
Strycker, N. 2020. A Birding Interview with Rob Neyer. Aug: 10-13.
Strycker, N. 2020. A Birding Interview with Jennifer Ackerman. Jun: 10-13.
Strycker, N. 2020. A Birding Interview with J. Drew Lanham. Apr: 14-17.
Strycker, N. 2020. A Birding Interview with Carrol Henderson. Feb: 32-36.
Strycker, N. 2019. A Birding Interview with Virginia Rose. Nov: 24-28.
Strycker, N. 2019. A Birding Interview with Gerrit Vyn. Oct: 18-22.
Strycker, N. 2019. A Birding Interview with Murrelet Halterman. Aug: 16-19.
Strycker, N. 2019. A Birding Interview with Holly Merker. Jun: 16-20.
Strycker, N. 2019. A Birding Interview with John Marzluff. Apr: 24-28.
Strycker, N. 2019. A Birding interview with Richard Crossley. Feb: 34-37.
Strycker, N. 2018. A Birding interview with James A. Tucker. Dec: 12-17.
Strycker, N. 2018. A Birding Interview with Dan Cooper. Oct: 22-26.
Strycker, N. 2018. A Birding Interview with Catherine Hamilton. Aug: 18-22.
Strycker, N. 2018. A Birding Interview with Jerry Liguori. Jun: 18-22.
Strycker, N. 2018. A Birding Interview with Rafael Galvez. Apr: 28-33.
Strycker, N. 2018. A Birding Interview with Bernd Heinrich. Feb: 28-31.
Strycker, N. 2017. A Birding Interview with John Kricher. Dec: 16-20.
Strycker, N. 2017. A Birding Interview with Lili Taylor. Oct: 16-20.
Strycker, N. 2017. A Birding Interview with Richard (“Rick”) Prum. Aug: 18-23.
Strycker, N. 2017. A Birding Interview with Bill Thompson III. Jun: 24-28.
Strycker, N. 2017. A Birding Interview with Bridget J. Stutchbury. Apr: 24-28.
Strycker, N. 2017. A Birding Interview with Jim Tietz. Feb: 20-24.
Strycker, N. 2016. A Birding Interview with Alison Sheehey. Dec: 20-24.
Strycker, N. 2016. A Birding Interview with Roz Chast. Oct: 20-23.
Strycker, N. 2016. A Birding Interview with Shyloh van Delft. Aug: 16-19.
Strycker, N. 2016. A Birding Interview with Amar Ayyash. Jun: 18-24.
Strycker, N. 2016. A Birding Interview with Jonathan Rosen. Apr: 18-22.
Strycker, N. 2016. A Birding Interview with James D. Rising. Feb: 14-19.
Strycker, N. 2015. A Birding Interview with Marky Mutchler and Dessi Sieburth. Dec: 14-19.
Strycker, N. 2015. A Birding Interview with Frank Gill. Oct: 16-20.
Strycker, N. 2015. A Birding Interview with Macklin Smith. Aug: 16-19.
Strycker, N. 2015. A Birding Interview with Jennie Duberstein. Jun: 16-19.
Strycker, N. 2015. A Birding Interview with Paul Hess. Apr: 16-21.
Strycker, N. 2015. A Birding Interview with Jonathan Franzen. Feb: 18-22.
Strycker, N. 2014. A Birding Interview with Daryl Hannah. Nov: 18-20.
Strycker, N. 2014. A Birding Interview with Michael O’Brien. Sep: 14-18.
Strycker, N. 2014. A Birding Interview with Scott Weidensaul. Jul: 14-17.
Strycker, N. 2014. A Birding Interview with David Ainley. May: 12-15.
Strycker, N. 2014. A Birding Interview with Shelly Plante. Mar: 18-22.
Strycker, N. 2014. A Birding Interview with John Sill. Jan: 20-24.
Strycker, N. 2013. A Birding Interview with Ioana Seritan and Eric Hughes. Nov: 16-19.
Strycker, N. 2013. A Birding Interview with Sean Dooley. Sep: 16-19.
Strycker, N. 2013. A Birding Interview with Robert C. Leberman and Robert S. Mulvihill. Jul: 16-21.
Strycker, N. 2013. A Birding Interview with Rick Wright. May: 18-21.
Strycker, N. 2013. A Birding Interview with Victor Emanuel. Mar: 18-21.
Strycker, N. 2013. A Birding Interview with Wayne R. Petersen. Jan: 20-25.
Strycker, N. 2012. A Birding Interview with Andrew Farnsworth. Nov: 18-21.
Strycker, N. 2012. A Birding Interview with Chandler S. Robbins. Sep: 16-23.
Strycker, N. 2012. A Birding Interview with Steve N. G. Howell. Jul: 16-19.
Strycker, N. 2012. A Birding Interview with Ellie Cohen. May: 16-19.
Strycker, N. 2012. A Birding Interview with Tony White. Mar: 14-17.
Strycker, N. 2012. A Birding Interview with Paul Lehman. Jan: 14-16.
Strycker, N. 2011. A Birding Interview with Laura Erickson. Nov: 14-16.
Strycker, N. 2011. A Birding Interview with Brian L. Sullivan. Sep: 14-17.
Strycker, N. 2011. A Birding Interview with Sophie Webb. Jul: 16-18.
Strycker, N. 2011. A Birding Interview with Kimball Garrett. May: 16-19.
Strycker, N. 2011. A Birding Interview with Hugo Enriquez. Mar: 16-18.
Strycker, N. 2011. A Birding Interview with J. Michael Scott. Jan: 18-20.
Strycker, N. 2010. A Birding Interview with Dominic Mitchell. Nov: 18-20.
Strycker, N. 2010. A Birding Interview with Geoffrey Hill. Sep: 20-22.
Strycker, N. 2010. A Birding Interview with George Fenwick. Jul: 20-22.
Strycker, N. 2010. A Birding Interview with Terry Moore. May: 20-22.
Strycker, N. 2010. A Birding Interview with Julie Zickefoose. Mar: 16-18.
Strycker, N. 2010. A Birding Interview with Alvaro Jaramillo. Jan: 18-20.
Strycker, N. 2009. A Birding Interview with Bill Pranty. Nov: 18-20.
Strycker, N. 2009. A Birding Interview with Stephen Kress. Sep: 16-18.
Strycker, N. 2009. A Birding Interview with Jessie Barry. Jul: 18-20.
Strycker, N. 2009. A Birding Interview with Donald Kroodsma. May: 18-20.
Strycker, N. 2009. A Birding Interview with Richard C. Banks. Mar: 18-20.
Strycker, N. 2009. A Birding Interview with Will Russell. Jan: 18-20.
Strycker, N. 2008. A Birding Interview with Peter Pyle. Nov: 16-18.
Strycker, N. 2008. A Birding Interview with Donna Dittmann. Sep: 22-24.
Strycker, N. 2008. A Birding Interview with Jon L. Dunn. Jul: 18-20.
Strycker, N. 2008. A Birding Interview with Lisa White. May: 18-20.
Strycker, N. 2008. A Birding Interview with Pete Dunne. Mar: 20-22.
Strycker, N. 2008. A Birding Interview with John Fitzpatrick. Jan: 18-20.
Strycker, N. 2007. A Birding Interview with David Wilcove. Nov: 20-22.
Strycker, N. 2007. A Birding Interview with Dudley Edmondson. Sep: 22-23.
Strycker, N. 2007. A Birding Interview with Amy Hooper. Jul: 18-20.
Strycker, N. 2007. A Birding Interview with David A. Sibley. May: 18-21.
Strycker, N. 2007. A Birding Interview with Paul Ehrlich. Mar: 18-20.
Strycker, N. 2007. A Birding Interview with Kenn Kaufman. Jan: 18-20.
BirdBoy Column in WildBird Magazine (2005-2010)
Strycker, N. 2010. Forever Young. WildBird. Nov/Dec: 12-13.
Strycker, N. 2010. Fairywrens of Oz. WildBird. Sep/Oct: 12-13.
Strycker, N. 2010. I’m with the banders. WildBird. Jul/Aug: 12-13.
Strycker, N. 2010. Motorless Hummer. WildBird. May/Jun: 22-23.
Strycker, N. 2010. Best week ever. WildBird. Mar/Apr: 22-23.
Strycker, N. 2010. The 50-mile bird walk. WildBird. Jan/Feb: 22-23.
Strycker, N. 2009. Vegas, baby! WildBird. Nov/Dec: 23.
Strycker, N. 2009. The crutch list. WildBird. Sep/Oct: 22-23.
Strycker, N. 2009. The bird club. WildBird. Jul/Aug: 22-23.
Strycker, N. 2009. Unhappy feet. WildBird. May/Jun: 22-23.
Strycker, N. 2009. Mister lister. WildBird. Mar/Apr: 22-23.
Strycker, N. 2009. Hawaiian bird chef. WildBird. Jan/Feb: 22-23.
Strycker, N. 2008. To sea the birds. WildBird. Nov/Dec: 26-27.
Strycker, N. 2008. In the dark. WildBird. Sep/Oct: 22-23.
Strycker, N. 2008. Printing penguins. WildBird. Jul/Aug: 22-23.
Strycker, N. 2008. Peak experience. WildBird. May/Jun: 22-23.
Strycker, N. 2008. Taxidermy with class. WildBird. Mar/Apr: 22-23.
Strycker, N. 2008. Down under. WildBird. Jan/Feb: 22-23.
Strycker, N. 2007. No place like home. WildBird. Nov/Dec: 22-23.
Strycker, N. 2007. iPod therefore iBird. WildBird. Sep/Oct: 22-23.
Strycker, N. 2007. Island boy. WildBird. Jul/Aug: 22-23.
Strycker, N. 2007. Southern discomfort. WildBird. May/Jun: 22-23.
Strycker, N. 2007. A bird in the hand. WildBird. Mar/Apr: 22-23.
Strycker, N. 2007. Puffin stuff. WildBird. Jan/Feb: 22-23.
Strycker, N. 2006. A young bird artist. WildBird. Nov/Dec: 22-23.
Strycker, N. 2006. The Cornflake King and I. WildBird. Sept/Oct: 22-23.
Strycker, N. 2006. Backpacking with the birds. WildBird. Jul/Aug: 14-15.
Strycker, N. 2006. Big day. WildBird. May/Jun: 14-15.
Strycker, N. 2006. In search of nests. WildBird. Mar/Apr: 10-11.
Strycker, N. 2006. The heart of darkness. WildBird. Jan/Feb: 10-11.
Strycker, N. 2005. Avian art. WildBird. Nov/Dec: 10-11.
Strycker, N. 2005. Will work for life birds. WildBird. Sep/Oct: 10-11.
Strycker, N. 2005. The gap year. WildBird. Jul/Aug: 10-11.
Strycker, N. 2005. Home on the refuge. WildBird. May/Jun: 10-11.
Strycker, N. 2005. Blind date. WildBird. Mar/Apr: 10.
Strycker, N. 2005. I never met a vulture I didn’t like. WildBird. Jan/Feb: 11.
Articles for the American Birding Association Blog (Web Only)
Strycker, N. 2017. Send Us Your Conservation Milestones! 14 Feb.
Strycker, N. 2015. The Ultimate Big Year. 1 Jan.
Strycker, N. 2014. The Festival Phenomenon. 18 Nov.
Strycker, N. 2014. Cell Phone Bird Photography. 14 Aug.
Strycker, N. 2014. A Visit to the Book Shop. 12 Jun.
Strycker, N. 2014. Antarctica, New Media, and Old-Fashioned Birding. 13 Mar.
Strycker, N. 2013. Bright Night Lights. 12 Nov.
Strycker, N. 2013. Breaking the Ice Across the Pond. 17 Sep.
Strycker, N. 2013. Peru’s Insane Birding Rally Challenge. 25 Jun.
Strycker, N. 2013. The 48-hour Birdathon. 5 Jun.
Strycker, N. 2013. A Different Kind of Wildlife Photography. 7 Apr.
Strycker, N. 2013. Loneliness of the Antarctic birder. 30 Jan.
Strycker, N. 2012. Birding by webcam. 24 Oct.
Strycker, N. 2012. Birding after LASIK. 2 Sep.
Strycker, N. 2012. Adventures in county listing. 4 Jul.
Strycker, N. 2012. Back to middle school. 1 May.
Strycker, N. 2012. Shoo fly, don’t bot me. 14 Mar.
Strycker, N. 2012. A Christmas count story. 4 Jan.
Strycker, N. 2011. 63 saw-whets in one night. 2 Nov.
Strycker, N. 2011. Finishing the 2,665-mile bird walk. 29 Sep.
Strycker, N. 2011. The 2,665-mile bird walk. 4 May.
Strycker, N. 2011. A note from Cano Palma, Costa Rica. 5 Mar.
Strycker, N. 2010. Yard listing on the Farallones. 16 Nov.