Thousands Of Birds



It’s been a crazy week on Metinic Island. We captured and banded 200+ new birds on five out of the last six days, capped by a tremendous 467 (!) yesterday, an all-time record at this banding station! It was such an incredible effort that special, “half millennium” T-shirts are in the works for this crew.

Chuck and I managed to catch a fist-sized Northern Saw-whet Owl in a mist net after dark – definitely the softest, cuddliest bird I’ve ever held. And I even got a life bird today: two White-rumped Sandpipers huddled down on the beach. Looks like rain coming, which means a couple of slower days ahead. We could use a bit of a rest…

2 replies
  1. Patricia Keene
    Patricia Keene says:

    As a native Mainer and knowing just where you are, I’m really enjoying your posts. The Saw-whet owl pic is precious! Hope you are hunkered down in this weather. We are in for some big winds and I imagine you are experiencing them now! Ayah!

  2. Judy J
    Judy J says:

    At age 70, I could become a birder! What a wonderful adventure, Noah. I love your enthusiasm and sense of awe.

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