Heavy Pack



I loaded my pack this morning with 12 days of food and an ice axe, traction spikes, bear canister, and warm clothing, and discovered it all weighed more than 45 pounds – ouch. I’m gonna have to eat a lot this week to make that pack lighter; today was definitely the heaviest it will be on this whole trip.

Because of the weight, an uphill day, and the collective decision of a group of 12 (!) hikers I’m camping with tonight, we all decided to call it at 14.7 miles and spend this afternoon lounging next to the idyllic Kern River.

After averaging a month straight of 22-mile days through the desert, things are about to change drastically. Through the Sierras, 12-15 miles is serious effort. I’ll be in the snow day after tomorrow, probably on Mount Whitney soon after. Can’t wait!

2 replies
  1. Frank
    Frank says:

    Hi Noah,
    I just wanted to tell you that you have the best pics that I’ve seen of the PCT. I think everyone is going in packs thru the sierra’s I think that’s best for the more eyes on the problems, The better chance of thinking outside the box. Plus Everyone needs someone sometimes. But your the MAN and you’re doing a great service to dreamers like me with your blog. I have 2 older cats so it might be a few years for me. Thanks for all, Be safe.

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